
Tuesday 15 December 2015

The end of my school life

Looks like my school life has ended for 2015. I don't know where will we meet again in the future. May be in college? University? I couldn't imagine that time flew by. I wished that we could always be together but after some time, something had to be let go.
Till then, I surely hope that I can meet my friends again in the future.

Friday 2 October 2015

My Class - 5A

  I would like to express mixed feelings I had for my classmates. I mean, they are all my friends. I was happy to have made friends with them but sad for this year might be the last time I would see them. Well, final year explains it all. I wish we could meet again after SPM.
  I would also like to apologise for my wrongdoings towards all of you guys. I did not mean to hurt your feelings. Anyway, I wanted to express my gratitude for helping me along the road of experience with you guys. Without you guys, I could not make it to this level.
  No heart feelings, guys. I will definitely miss you guys after November. Till then, good luck for SPM!

Friday 4 September 2015

I am officially 17 years old

 I was feeling like in the seventh heaven that day. My parents helped me held a birthday party for me at a fast food restaurant a few days ago. I have invited my friends to come over to my birthday party. The first person to arrive to my birthday party was Erry. Well, he had his own motorcycle.
 Although I am a bit disappointed with the absence of my new best friends, I am still glad with anyone who could come to my birthday party. Not forgetting something, most of them came not without any gifts. I was really touched with their gifts. The gift I might remember the most is Husna's.

Thursday 16 July 2015

5A Class Dinner

My class had organised a dinner at a fast food restaurant on 13 July. We had great fun with them especially when most of us have the skills in selfies. It's a great thing none of them noticed I had a few make ups on. Just to cover up my scars. Haha... I also did a prank to a friend of mine but I did not have the intention to make her scream. The punishment I got from her is a long pinch in my shoulder. Lol.

Later after we finished, some of my friends invited me to join them to go to enjoy ourselves by singing karaoke in a place called K-Box. I never did it before and it was really fun. I really wished if my friends and I can do it again in the future.

Anyway, it was a good thing that we can be together and stay united in a way we can adapt to it. I really look forward to any occasions as this.

Friday 29 May 2015

Teacher's Day 2015

My school had teacher's day for two days from 28 - 29 of May. The first day was really exciting and we had fun than the second day. The picture was taken by my class monitor's camera. Class of 5A in SMK Kubong. We were at the end of the tables with lots of food and snacks. Right after this shot was taken, suddenly someone played with flour and some of us were 'floured'. Haha! After that we had lots of fun like playing Truth or Dare. I do not want to mention here what they dared me to do. Well, that's not all. A lot of my friends brought their own cameras too.
We had total fun. This was because we were releasing our stress from the Additional Mathematics exam the day before. And the good news is school holiday for two weeks! Semester break at last!

Wednesday 20 May 2015

SPM 2015 Candidate

These are just what I have waited for since January, SPM past years papers. While everyone else were happy to have something else, I am happy with these books. Yeah, I'm disappointed for not having the latest version of SPM past years papers for Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Anyway, it is a good thing I already have them. My life as a Form 5 student is also exhausting. Do you know how piqué I am of these trial exams? Wished that I could just live my life on my own but that will be called as running away from home because I'm still under my parents' supervision. At any rate, I'm glad that my parents consent about me for having a good rest and skip tuition classes for a fortnight. I hope that my trial exams results will make my parents gratified.

Sunday 5 April 2015

Easter Sunday

I liked what my mother did to the eggs. They are cute and funny. Anyway, it's my markers that she used. I just want to wish a very blessed Easter Sunday. I wished I could have celebrated it with my friends but it was just fine if it was just with my family. Another great thing about Easter is school holiday on Monday! Yes! I won't have to worry about getting up late next morning. Haha!

Saturday 4 April 2015

Homework and teachers

I guess I am bound to homework am I? Well, I assume that the teachers thought that they are 'great teachers' by giving us homework. But what is the point of just look at our homework whether it is finished or not? They did not even check our work. In that case, it should be better I complete my homework without thinking of the solution for the answer. Those teacher surely is kind of crazy, crazy enough to be called crazy when you get to know them. I still wondered what are their problems of giving us too much homework.
  Besides, I don't like their same and boring lecture about our achievements in our exams. It was their fault of giving us too much homework until we didn't get the chance to study. If we did not complete our homework, they would punish us. But if we did not do well in our exam, they punish us too. What kind of teacher is that? Can't they think that we had tuition classes too? And I had to take care of my family too? Geez... I surely hope that they could realise that.
  By the way, this is my life as a student in Kubong Secondary School in Limbang. So, I'm not the only one suffered from this madness. I wished that these teachers will change their mind before the climax of our public exam.

Monday 30 March 2015

Forming a study group

They insisted on making me taking a selfie. So, I took a selfie with them. Anyway, it has been a long time I did not update my blog, well, I feel it that way. I had been busy running my errands at home and doing my mountains of homework. This was too much, but who cares? The whole thing is, it is best to do something with the help of someone. We cannot rely on our own.
  Right here, we decided to form a study group and compile all our work to carry out our Oral Test Presentation. Why would time always been the obstacle? If they got the time, they got no transport. If they had the transport, they would got no time. I sure hope that our 'drama' for tomorrow's oral test presentation will work out, no matter what might happen.

Monday 2 March 2015

My trial exam had already started. It will lasts for two weeks from today. After that, first semester holiday for a week. Well, it is quite a busy week for me. Books always had been my partner when I was doing my revision. Studying is my favourite part but I hope that this exam isn't going to kill me. Okay, time to continue my study. I stressed out a bit of my exam. But, don't worry. I got used to it. It only happen during the exams. Study, study, study... *sigh

Sunday 22 February 2015

I have been busy spending my holiday during this festive season. Visiting my relatives in Lawas and went for Chinese New Year sales in Miri. On Chinese New Year Day, which is on 19 of February, most of the shops in town were closed. It is not because of people just wanted to spend their holiday, it was because of the shops in town were mainly operated by Chinese. Only this time of the year they will go back to their home town to celebrate Chinese New Year. Anyway, it is only a week to go for my first trial exam will come up. I should have been doing my revision instead of slacking and watch the television. And homework, I still have not done with them yet. I guess I will be sleeping late today for tomorrow the school session will start.

Thursday 5 February 2015

I went to the hospital today. I was very disappointed of myself of being unwell and absent to school. I guess I missed a lot of lessons. And my homework also piled up. I had to wait for an hour and a half to get to meet the doctor for check-up. A lot of patients also were there but today I only saw mainly old people went there. I thought I might be in an old people's hospital. Still, I only had one or two friend(s) asked about my absence. The others might be 'busy' or ignored about me. I was told that I was the only person absent in my class. Well, there's more about me next time. At the moment, I must take care of myself so that I won't fall sick again.

Sunday 1 February 2015

Chinese New Year celebration is around the corner! Just look at those decorations at the Bintang Mega Mall in Miri. I guess it was worth for going to Miri after all. Chinese New Year's songs also being played all over the place. I cannot wait to look into this celebration being celebrated at Chinese people's houses. Besides, hearing those fire works and fire crackers make the neighbourhood sounded merrier.

Wednesday 28 January 2015

Every week day morning I had to wake up early just to get ready for school. The school prefects might record the names of the students that come after 0630 and will be under detention. The sun was not up yet because it was 0500. After I had my shower and dressed up for school, I made my own breakfast. Took a slice of bread and some boiled eggs. My school is about 10 kilometres from home and the traffic is usually busy with cars and buses.

Monday 26 January 2015

Tuition classes

Attending tuition classes were already a part of my routine. Every weekdays I had tuition classes and I could not excuse myself from it (except when I was seriously ill). Today I was supposed to attend the annual sports event at the school but I had to dismiss it because I had tuition classes. What else can I do? I had a major exam coming up at November so I had to study really hard. Even some might find me as a 'nerd' at school (but I do not dress up like a nerd outside of school). It might be burden me a lot but I still thought of what I should do to make my future a great one.

Sunday 25 January 2015

It's always raining right here these days. I always had to stay at home and sit in front of my computer just to check out my Facebook account and E-mails. Computer games are boring enough for me to play with. I chatted with my friends with my phone and they were also getting bored. What a life this is if the rain were never to be the obstacle to my plans?
I don't like homework. They just take over my free time. Actually, I only don't like them if they are many. I'm not the only one who had this problem. I guess they were thinking just like me. To make things worse, I also had tuition classes' homework. So, I think I just have to do my homework at least. Rather than leaving it pile up until a mountain of it fall on top of me.