It has been more than a year since I last updated in this blog. I wish I had the time to think of more interesting things in my life but I guessed due to the pandemic, a lot of things changed. Well, at least I enjoyed myself a lot because I am an introvert. Played and currently still playing the critically acclaimed JRPG Open World spinoff game Genshin Impact by Hoyoverse (previously Mihoyo).
A screenshot of Venti in Mondstadt in Genshin Impact. |
Although the game literally filled the void of entertainment in myself, I also need to realize the real world that is happening around me. I am currently doing my internship at Aerospace Malaysia Innovation Centre (AMIC) in Kajang, Selangor. I suppose it has been 19 weeks since I started my internship. My position is Graphic Design Intern because obviously the company needs a graphic designer to design and organize their designs up to the image of the company.
Briefly, AMIC is a non-profitable research company mainly focuses on research and technology. So most of the staffs there are researchers with degrees in engineering, information technology and other STEM related degrees. I was the only one with design degree there doing my internship. So basically, I am to do most of the design work such as designing the annual report, brochure and more. If not, some of the graphics were quite blurry, also the scale of images sometimes not uniform. The best part of doing my internship here is I get to receive monthly allowance.
A normal day doing my internship. |
The allowance was barely enough to pay the rent for the house I rent at the moment. I had been living there alone for quite some time now. Feeling like growing up and believe me, living alone and to be independent is quite tiring. I really salute those who could live alone and make a living. I am trying my best to complete any tasks or work they provide, it was not that stressful because the company itself is not after the profit.
The part where I live alone is because my parents agreed for me to rent the whole apartment house alone where there are strangers as housemates which could be either toxic or if lucky really nice. It has been less than 5 months now living here. Not to mention the process of securing an internship and the rented house was very cumbersome.
I just realized I have 5 weeks left from finishing my internship. Currently I am applying for a job somewhere nearby (45 minutes of driving from home is the farthest company I applied) as either a junior graphic designer or a game designer. The process is quite similar to applying for my internship but a whole lot of processes. I thought securing an internship placement was difficult enough but trying to secure a full-time job is not as simple as it seems.
I will update here about the job and the process after I had secured a full-time job with monthly salary. I just can't wait to start working and relieve my parents of still supporting my finance.
So, back to the main topic, internship. I used LinkedIn. It was simple to install and use, however, need to make sure to customize and get used to using it. It's like Facebook but for job recruitment or sharing success stories from one's career. Just need to be careful of the recruiters too, as the company could be in Malaysia or overseas (remote). I prefer to be on-site as I already have a vehicle. This vehicle has been in West Malaysia since 2020 but I used it for a short while due to pandemic I was sent back to my hometown before being able to use it again by the end of 2021. Praise the Lord I have friends to take care of it for me back in Tanjung Malim, Perak. The car is my mother's so it has to be taken care of promptly after I got back to my hometown.
After I got a response from the recruiter, I was asked to email my resume and cover letter to my supposed internship supervisor at the company. So I did and about 2 days later she emailed back to me to conduct an online interview via Google Meet along with her colleague.
On the day of the interview, I got nervous but I already got to prepare everything like my portfolio and result slips. It was nerve wrecking but I got through it. And the following week, I got an answer with an offer to be as an intern. I was overjoyed that I even announced it to my parents. I accepted the offer.
Immediately after I accepted the offer, I had to secure a place to stay near to the company. So I thought of There were lots of rooms and houses and mostly it is for females which is kind a disadvantage for me. However, the house that I am currently staying at caught my eyes. I was able to contact the agent and secured the house. That was the only house available in the nearest date to start staying there because the starting date of my internship was just around the corner. I settled the 1 year rental house contract and house entering deposit.
Every working days I need to update my work in the log book as proof. |
The house was empty but I slowly filled up the space with a bed, tables and chairs. I have no refrigerator nor television. I will consider those after I got a new and better place to stay. It was 18 minutes from the house to the company so I felt it was quite nice.
Initially, it was quite a hassle. I had to sleep on the floor with foam mattress for a week while ordering the bed and a proper mattress via Shopee. I even used Google maps for a week go to the company and back home. As I am uncomfortable with the public, I ordered meals using FoodPanda or GrabFood. I started to feel lonely and homesick but thinking about graduation and my parents' hopes had got me going. I even sometimes take time to read the Bible and pray so that I can keep my values. After a while, I got used to everything.
The rental house I stay in Kajang. |
It was a very refreshing experience and I know I had to be independent eventually. I never even once expect things like these could happen but nothing is impossible if we believe we could do it. I was a bit jealous too seeing some people have relatives here to help them while I had to experience almost everything firsthand. Not to forget to also consider about other expenses like the electricity bill and maintenance. Food contributes the most expenses.
I think I am not ready to find a someone special to marry yet until I can get my life figured out. I know some people could easily get one but I am quite new to everything so I need time. If time is right, and with God's will, I will marry someone suits me.