
Friday 29 May 2015

Teacher's Day 2015

My school had teacher's day for two days from 28 - 29 of May. The first day was really exciting and we had fun than the second day. The picture was taken by my class monitor's camera. Class of 5A in SMK Kubong. We were at the end of the tables with lots of food and snacks. Right after this shot was taken, suddenly someone played with flour and some of us were 'floured'. Haha! After that we had lots of fun like playing Truth or Dare. I do not want to mention here what they dared me to do. Well, that's not all. A lot of my friends brought their own cameras too.
We had total fun. This was because we were releasing our stress from the Additional Mathematics exam the day before. And the good news is school holiday for two weeks! Semester break at last!

Wednesday 20 May 2015

SPM 2015 Candidate

These are just what I have waited for since January, SPM past years papers. While everyone else were happy to have something else, I am happy with these books. Yeah, I'm disappointed for not having the latest version of SPM past years papers for Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Anyway, it is a good thing I already have them. My life as a Form 5 student is also exhausting. Do you know how piqué I am of these trial exams? Wished that I could just live my life on my own but that will be called as running away from home because I'm still under my parents' supervision. At any rate, I'm glad that my parents consent about me for having a good rest and skip tuition classes for a fortnight. I hope that my trial exams results will make my parents gratified.