
Friday 29 November 2019

Set Your Goals Straight, Everyone! (For Undergraduate Students)

Let me get this first. Did you think you could simply relax and not trying your best in achieving your dreams when you enter a university? May be if I show the situation, it might be different.

After SPM (Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia), do not think you could simply skip the whole process before pursuing your degree. You need to get ready for degree after SPM. So that is why we need to go through colleges or diploma or STPM in order to get prepared (not well prepared anyways) for degree.

I mean, did you even realize that the higher our academic level is, the more we should pursue or learn more. That was why we had multiple tasks and assignments. So stop complaining about the assignments and lecturers because if you have a career in the future, the circumstances might be more challenging unless you don't work (we need to face the truth that everyone needs to work or else the world might be crazy).

Some might think that they had studied well enough in their past studies and they deserve to relax in further studies. I mean I was like /('O')\ when I found out about their mind set. Hey! Snap out of it! I also had satisfying results in my SPM and STPM, it does not mean I should stay dormant as I have entered the university as a reward of my past academic achievements. You wanted to further your study, so act like you wanted to learn more instead of complaining.

Remember to have a thought on your parents and anyone who had been raising and looked after you. Their hopes, anticipations and wishes should be of concern if you ever had the ridiculous mind set. Try to pursue knowledge more.

Let me tell you this, I am currently studying Bachelor of Digital Games Design. However, I also had to learn graphic designs as in poster designs, learn photography, video editing, read sophisticated books and many other subjects which are not my core subjects for my first degree. If I had the thought of only focus on my core subjects instead of the electives, I would surely not be having multiple skills in digital creativity. Whatever you study in your degree could help you land a job when you are looking for it. It does not mean that by hook or by crook I had to become a digital game designer. I could also become a VFX director, a photographer or a graphic designer.

To wrap up my opinion, always stay positive and be sure to believe in yourself that you are able to overcome life obstacles (make sure you overcome it in a fair and the best way without harming others in any possible way).

Wednesday 27 November 2019

Second Year in UPSI

Well, it had been a very long time since I updated my last post. I had so much thing to tell that I think this might be one of my longest blog post ever! I was not that busy but I am not a socially engaged person, which in turn made me a bit reluctant to post small things in my social media accounts. Anyway, do not forget to follow my Instagram to get updated on my current status. And also be sure to follow my college media Instagram page as the page is mainly updated by myself.

Based on my Instagram, you will find out about how I fair with my university student life. I guess my life is going steady and more active than what I had been in my secondary school. I was given this much opportunity to get to know people and actively participating in college activities.

So about my college, first I want you to get to your PC and click or interact with this link. Alright, this is basically the information about my college. Talking about being an executive committee of the college student council, I was very honored to be able to serve as the publicity and media executive committee in the college student council of my college, well, for a year. Ungku Omar College is one of the 5 main colleges in Sultan Idris Education University (UPSI). It is located somewhere here. If I am not at class or doing my assignments, I will surely be at my college. Every college actually had its own college student council, so I was quite lucky to be one of them. You can also watch the corporate video of the student council here.

Ungku Omar College Student Council 2019/2020

That's me on the left! On the right is my partner in the same portfolio who is also my roommate. LOL!

Okay. All of this is designed by me but the photos were taken by my partner from the college student council.

I had been in so much activities in this university that I could not even count them. On-campus, off-campus and many more activities. I might not even had the chance to upload them in my Instagram but you can see from my college media Instagram page.

As a part of the college student council, the responsibility given to me was designing posters or banners or buntings, capture and recording medias, updating social profiles of the college and always updated with every event or activity held by the college student council members or any events related to colleges. Quite tiresome and annoying sometimes but I think I get the hang of it. If I set aside the bossy or obnoxious program directors and the very demanding college staffs, I would be fine. Besides, I had to evade some things just to keep up with my studies and assignments. I had learnt from my second semester results which had dropped from 3.78 GPA of my first semester to 3.50 GPA, although still listed in the Dean's List. I think my GPA will improve in my third semester judging based on my commitments and studies I had going since the beginning of the semester. My wish is to be an honored student in this university, like every student could wish for. Well, actions speak louder than words, so stop dreaming and start doing!

I was on the Dean's List for two semesters straight!

Another part is my church community here in RG Ministry, or registered as Tanjung Malim Borneo Evangelical Mission. I am very satisfied with their hospitality and the church service. It serves very well for the church community (mainly UPSI students). Without the church, I would not know how I can survive without interacting with the Christian community among the UPSI students.

Besides the church, I also had home cell group for my college. Before going further, I wanted to the difficulties while trying to conduct the home cell group for the first few weeks when the semester starts. The supposed home cell group leader changed university without notice. Everyone of us was surprised and many of the members also had to stay off campus because the college had to give space for the new intake to stay. Whatever happened in the past had became blurry as time pass by. I knew that I had to look after them (first semester students) besides looking after myself. After all, I am among the most senior student in my home cell group. I might become the leader of my home cell group the next semester as my chances of staying in college is quite high. I love them like my brothers and sisters as we are already brothers and sisters in Christ.

There was me and my friend beside me, while the rest are first semester students.

Well, it looks like I had forgotten a few things to say but I think I will update my blog every time I get the chance. Stay tuned!

Sunday 3 March 2019


1 March 2019:
All of the executive committees were instructed to join the PROPEX camp to get all of us prepared for the Ungku Omar Open Day. It is my college's open day. As one the executive committee members, I was also included to join the camp. PROPEX is Program Pemantapan Rakan Exco or Executive Committee Enhancing Programme.

There were approximately 70 of us were able to join the camp while the rest had to attend classes which was inevitable to be excused. Three buses were used to carry all of us to the camp.

Just as we got there, there were no reception for DiGi, which was the Telco I used. Celcom users were lucky enough to even have 4G reception and were able to be updated about anything happened back at college or UPSI and were to contact their parents.

We were then told to set up our own camp. I setted the camp with others in no time.

The camp we setted up was near the river. One the member almost lose his shoe due to the strong current.

Later on we were to be gathered at the open hall where we first arrived. We were there until night falls. We did some fun activities and discussed the lessons learnt from each and every activities. Before we could go back to our tents, we were told by the facilitator to gather on the field just beside the river. He told us that he was going to detain us for being careless and impolite. The mistakes of one or two person became all of our fault. The first was the shoe problem caused by one of the camp participant early in the evening. The other one was too much laughing and talking. That he made us rolled on the ground with sands and small rocks. However, which made him got the temper and told us to gather on the field was because of blowing a whistle. Got too excited that this person blew a whistle to support a member appointed as head of safety committee, due to the fact that whistles were allowed to be blown in case of emergencies.

After a long and elaborate speech, we were told to be submerged ourselves in the river water for an hour. I was unable to cooperate with such matters that I kept quiet the whole time and my chest suddenly felt hurt every time I tried to breathe in. Luckily one of the girl stood up for us as she was very brave to do that. She debated with the facilitator and got us another chance to not being submerged in the river water. We were then told to go back to our tents and took some sleep. It was already midnight. I applied my inhaler as soon as I got into my tent as I was almost suffocating. I never really wanted to tell anyone about this but I still had minor asthma although it was supposed to be gone. I think the dust while rolling on the ground entered my respiratory system did that.

2 March 2019:
The following day we woke up at 6 and gathered at 7 in the morning. We were asked to do a few not so challenging activities, which was team building, water floating (water tubing was cancelled due to shallow waters and lack of tubes) and jungle cooking (jungle trekking was also cancelled). Time flew really fast. The facilitator changed his perspective about us (being a little considerate). Later that night we were doing our own shows, unprepared and not idea rich. The judges were unsatisfied so we had no winner from the shows.

Water floating

We were gathering before the jungle cooking activity

So tired as we may be, miraculously we were able to walk into our tents and slept at around 2 o'clock in the morning. I had to apply my inhaler again in order to be able to sleep as my breathing was kind of blocked in my chest.

3 March 2019:
We had the real meeting about the college's open day. It was not like a meeting but like a briefing and proposing them to all of us, including the college's felos. Never knew they went all the trouble, I meant all of us went all the trouble just get to know our work scope during the college's open day. Still tired, hungry and mainly our energy was drained so much, we went back to our college right after we had lunch, bathed a little in the river and tore down our camps.

Took a little bath in the river
All of us who joined PROPEX camp

This photo proves everyone was tired after the camp while on the bus going back to the college

Camps such as this were I hope to see better really soon, though my assignments and task could not wait to finish by itself. Stay tuned!

Monday 25 February 2019

Another semester in UPSI

Wow! How long has it been that I last update posts on this blog? Almost 4 months if I am not mistaken. Things are getting better for everyone here in UPSI. Having some doubts about new classes, the lecturers and being a senior to the new intake. Otherwise, I am just fine. It has been about a week in UPSI and I started to think my time is getting more occupied with tasks, assignments, college activities and I just joined tennis club. If I got the actual free time, I might update more on this blog.

A little update on my first semester result. Quite not good but still satisfied about it. Praise the Lord.

3.78 GPA for my 1st semester
It is not much but I will do better for this new semester. More challenges to come and more new ideas and obstacles perhaps, my friends and I will get through this together.