
Thursday 22 November 2018

First 3 Months in UPSI

It has been a while I have not update my blog. I was just enjoying my life as a university student at the moment. A lot of things has changed, especially about myself. It is like I just turned to the other page of the book, may be like I just started a new book. I am no longer being the introvert.

It started when I joined the college committees. I was never being more scared than having to try out the interview of finding the executive committee members. I was persuaded by my own senior, the same senior who also helped me during my registration. I tried out for Academic Executive Committee, but it seemed like I could not get it. So I tried out for Culture and Arts Executive Committee. I was to respond carefully about how to deal with certain situations as they told me. I even had to sing. Finally, I got in.

About a week later, I finally had my first ever meeting with other executive committee members including our bosses (which were also the ones with important duties for the college). We got to introduce ourselves, knowing our roles as executive committee members and of our responsibilities. From that moment on, I tried to blend in and I felt really comfortable which eventually made me becoming more braver to speak in front of the crowd and never to conceal my imperfections (we humans make mistakes but be sure to reduce them as much as possible).

Arts and Culture Executive Committee members

Furthermore, I became more closer to my religion. Since I went to the church here, in Tanjung Malim BEM, also known as R.G Ministry, I became in love with going to church every Sunday. The congregation 99% consists of youths, students from UPSI (also me). I even joined the missionary for students like me, which is S.M.Y which stands for Saya Murid Yesus (I am a student of Jesus). I learned a lot from that activity. I became more in love with reading the Bible and pray ever more often. I even able to make more friends and a virtual family formed among the church community, especially for my college home sale group. I became a better person than I was at the beginning of my life as a university student. Praise the Lord! Hallelujah!

Hosanna Home Cell Group

I also would not forget about my studies, tasks, assignments and quizzes to focus on. Busy as I may could be, I would not put aside my main responsibility as a student of UPSI. Okay. This is it for now. I will update my blog whenever I have the time.