
Saturday 28 October 2017

Form 6 Convocation Day 2017

I was trying to be as modest as possible because I am not a proud person. Today is the day I graduate from school, as a pre-university student. However, there were more to come than this, which is our final semester examinations a.k.a the finals. I attended by wearing matching batik shirts with my parents and the graduation robe. No graduation hats because only the ones with higher educations such as degree had the hats. Here I am, a Form 6 student from Kubong Secondary School, finally being able to feel 'almost' free. After this, I need to focus more on my study. It is vital for me to pursue a brighter future, for my family's honour and my own gratification. Good luck to myself.

I was receiving a graduation scroll from the representative of the VIP.

I also received certificates of appreciation for being the best student in my class and the best student in the subject Visual Art.

My classmates and I(left)