
Sunday 5 April 2015

Easter Sunday

I liked what my mother did to the eggs. They are cute and funny. Anyway, it's my markers that she used. I just want to wish a very blessed Easter Sunday. I wished I could have celebrated it with my friends but it was just fine if it was just with my family. Another great thing about Easter is school holiday on Monday! Yes! I won't have to worry about getting up late next morning. Haha!

Saturday 4 April 2015

Homework and teachers

I guess I am bound to homework am I? Well, I assume that the teachers thought that they are 'great teachers' by giving us homework. But what is the point of just look at our homework whether it is finished or not? They did not even check our work. In that case, it should be better I complete my homework without thinking of the solution for the answer. Those teacher surely is kind of crazy, crazy enough to be called crazy when you get to know them. I still wondered what are their problems of giving us too much homework.
  Besides, I don't like their same and boring lecture about our achievements in our exams. It was their fault of giving us too much homework until we didn't get the chance to study. If we did not complete our homework, they would punish us. But if we did not do well in our exam, they punish us too. What kind of teacher is that? Can't they think that we had tuition classes too? And I had to take care of my family too? Geez... I surely hope that they could realise that.
  By the way, this is my life as a student in Kubong Secondary School in Limbang. So, I'm not the only one suffered from this madness. I wished that these teachers will change their mind before the climax of our public exam.