
Wednesday 28 January 2015

Every week day morning I had to wake up early just to get ready for school. The school prefects might record the names of the students that come after 0630 and will be under detention. The sun was not up yet because it was 0500. After I had my shower and dressed up for school, I made my own breakfast. Took a slice of bread and some boiled eggs. My school is about 10 kilometres from home and the traffic is usually busy with cars and buses.

Monday 26 January 2015

Tuition classes

Attending tuition classes were already a part of my routine. Every weekdays I had tuition classes and I could not excuse myself from it (except when I was seriously ill). Today I was supposed to attend the annual sports event at the school but I had to dismiss it because I had tuition classes. What else can I do? I had a major exam coming up at November so I had to study really hard. Even some might find me as a 'nerd' at school (but I do not dress up like a nerd outside of school). It might be burden me a lot but I still thought of what I should do to make my future a great one.

Sunday 25 January 2015

It's always raining right here these days. I always had to stay at home and sit in front of my computer just to check out my Facebook account and E-mails. Computer games are boring enough for me to play with. I chatted with my friends with my phone and they were also getting bored. What a life this is if the rain were never to be the obstacle to my plans?
I don't like homework. They just take over my free time. Actually, I only don't like them if they are many. I'm not the only one who had this problem. I guess they were thinking just like me. To make things worse, I also had tuition classes' homework. So, I think I just have to do my homework at least. Rather than leaving it pile up until a mountain of it fall on top of me.