
Thursday 23 November 2023

Coldplay: Music of the Spheres Concert in Kuala Lumpur

This is the first time I got to attend a concert where a band or celebrity do a world tour, in Bukit Jalil National Stadium for the first time. It was a fun and unforgettable moment for me. You won't get chances like this easily in the future. Luckily my friend helped me with the ticket purchase and we bought it together just 3 days before the concert day. Thank you GoLive for not releasing any announcement (unless you have the app) for people like me to buy those final release of tickets.

Main entrance of the stadium.

I was there at around 6 pm using the LRT. There were so many people selling merch of Coldplay, which I doubt it was from the organiser. Not only that, people were already swarming the place like ants.

Concert was at full swing with everyone's LED wristband lit up.

I had fun and sang along with Coldplay songs. Probably the best concert ever being held in Malaysia despite the rain.

Had to struggle through the crowd after the concert was over at 11 pm.

I was glad I managed to arrive home not too late because I will work the next day. I took a warm shower before go to bed due to rain. I really enjoyed the concert and will cherish this memory. Thank you Coldplay for performing in Malaysia. Hope to see your concert in the future again in Malaysia.

Wednesday 7 December 2022

Finished my degree and graduated!

 It has been quite a while that I last updated this blog. I almost forgot the most important chapter in my life was that I finally finished my degree and graduated. The journey was both amazing and agonizing (mainly due to pandemic). Nevertheless, it was all a memory now. I know everything will come to pass eventually. I hope that I continue to inspire everyone who reads this to pursue their dreams and able to overcome many obstacles in their way. I know the stages of life is quite rough for regular people, moreover for less fortunate people than me. One thing I know is, do not give up. If need help, do not even think you can handle everything by yourself. There will always help. In life, you cannot afford to be lazy, also know when you need to rest so you do not overwork yourself. For the fresh degree graduates out there, please do find a job and gain as much experience as possible before you finally get the best job you can ever have. That is unless nepotism is involved, like many successful people you see on the internet (which they won't tell you). Be successful in your own way, it's a hurdle but still worth it and makes you wiser.

I received the scroll from the vice chancellor himself. The first among my course mates.

Most of my course mates are in the photo while some took off early and some did not attend the graduation ceremony.

Outside of the main hall under the heat of the sun near noon.

I hope these photos give inspiration to many people who wants to pursue degree and currently still an undergraduate student.