
Monday 7 March 2016

My SPM 2015 result

Before I go to school on 3 March 2016, I apologised my family so that I won't regret about my result later on that day. When I got there, the hall was already decorated and everyone was there.
However, the VIP was making a very long speech so I decided to check out my SPM result by using SMS. According to the SMS, I got 1A+ 4A 3A- 1B+. I wondered what was the subject I got B+ in SPM. So I waited patiently until...
It was my Biology. The subject I loved and cherished the most had led my SPM result to not straight A's. Ultimately, I was still grateful that my Bahasa Melayu was distinction. And I became one of the school's top SPM 2015 student, which not excluding as one of the top SPM 2015 student in my district. It was a day of tears and happiness when the result came out. Luckily, I got the opportunity to be in the school magazine.


  1. Hi Aaron! :) Can you share how do you study for SPM? If you want too. :) BTW your SPM result looks amazing even I'm late. :D

    1. Hi there fellow reader. Well, the way I studied for SPM was quite simple but not easy to be carried out. So I only had 3 things equipped to prepare for my SPM that year. Firstly, take care of our health at all times. Not just about not being sick while sitting for trial exams and SPM, but we need to look out for our diet and physical health. Ensure that the diet is suitable for a student, which means, more protein and minerals in our diet. This is because when we learn new things, our brain cells could grow and can be replenished. Also, do regular exercises to reduce sickness rate and build better body metabolism. This also helped me to maintain focus inside the class as exercising helped me to remain active. However, don't over do exercise. I recommend once or twice a week is quite enough. Secondly, our moral awareness. I actually realised that a person with better discipline and kind to others tend to be more successful than the others. Importantly, none of them I heard saying foul words to others. Also do remember to be selfless in sharing extra knowledge with other who are in need. By sharing knowledge, you will remember it better than keeping them to yourself. Finally, know how to study your subjects. I found out that some subjects require different types of study techniques. For BM and BI, it is vital to submit homework given by the teacher because that way we know the mistakes we did. Also do a lot of reading in Malay and English. Reading improves grammar a lot. For subjects like Sejarah and Biology, it requires constant reading of the facts if memorising is not your forte. Also, KBAT/HOTS questions are usually easy if you find out the answering technique from the teacher. For subjects like Mathematics, which requires calculations, you need to do constant self practice because you need to train your mind to calculate faster and also learn to press buttons on the calculator faster. Sometimes there is a trick in your scientific calculator in order to find a quick answer but don't forget to write down the calculation steps needed so that it does not seemed like too much calculator's help. That is all I can share with you. Hope it works out for you. Always believe that you can do it and you will have the willing to do the best.

    2. Omg! Thank you very much because replied me! :D Thanks for sharing and I will follow all those tips. I also take science stream subject which is bio, physics and chemistry. And I really had a hard time to study physics and chemistry including addmath. I really don't know the way to study that subject (physics & chem) I don't understand some of the chapter when I was in form4. So, I want to know how do you study for that subject because you got an A! and also, where can I ask you more question about spm? (if you want too) hehe maybe you can help me? But if you're busy then its okay. Thanks again Aaron! (what should I call you since you was older than me?) haha have a nice day!

    3. It was my pleasure to share with you the study tips for SPM. First things first, I know Physics and Chemistry are the two subjects which are not easy to score especially Additional Mathematics because I had been there. Let me tell you it would be hard to study those subjects, it was because the basic of the knowledge were taught in Form 4 and it becomes advanced in Form 5. So, it would be best to kick start your revision from your lessons in Form 4. Remember your acceleration graphs representations, the parallax errors, micrometre screw gauge, vernier callipers and all those basic things. In Physics, it is important to also remember every symbol or letter represented in the formulas. Such as F=ma. F is force, m is mass and a is acceleration/gravitational acceleration. Also, please remember your simultaneous equation methods because the calculations mostly use it. Remember to do read more facts and apply it in your self-practice exercises. For Chemistry, I know it was not easy because most of my friends were the weakest at it. This was because they forgot their Form 4 syllabus. Please focus on the chemical and physical properties of the elements in the periodic table, such as Group 1 alkali metals Group 17 and Group 18. By knowing this, they also related to chemical bonding, which is ionic or covalent bonds. Also do remember about the electron arrangement, focus on the outermost shell of electron which is the valence electron. For example, an atom of the element sodium, Na has an electron arrangement of 2.8.1. It has 1 valence electron so it need to achieve a stable electron arrangement of 2.8 by donating its valence electron to another atom to form sodium ion, Na+. I hope these tips can give some extra boosts to your lessons in Form 4. For Additional Mathematics, it would be ironic if I had the easy way to study it. Like they say, no pain no gain. Just do a lot of practice. I mean A LOT OF PRACTICE. If calculations is not the problem then it was the time limit. Do focus on simultaneous equation, quadratic equations and trigonometry. For this subject, Form 4 syllabus should never be forgotten. It will get tougher in Form 5, in other words, advanced. Don't forget to own past years SPM papers. Try to challenge yourself and always refer to your reference book and textbook. If you are still stumbled on a question, just look for the answer which was along with the book. Refer to the answer is a way to know how to answer the correct way in your exam. The greatest way to score good grades in exam is to sincerely love the subjects. Meaning, loving a subject is like you don't want it to look bad and you want to make sure it is perfect. Just like taking care of someone you love. Make some efforts, asks your teacher or a friend whenever you stuck on a question. Make sure your mind stays focused and never give up when a hard question is given. Have fun! Because last time I like harder questions rather than the easy ones because I like challenges. When you finally can overcome that hard question, you'd feel very proud. Think about that. Stay positive, always believe in yourself, always say, "I can succeed, if I study." :D Good luck for your SPM! *thumbs up* Just call me by my first name. I don't mind if you call me by any abbreviation or friendly names.

    4. Thank you so much Aaron! You just motivated me very well. I really wanted to score a good result in SPM as well. :) But I have so many questions to ask and hopefully, you can answer all these questions in the next blog :) (or if you don't want you can answer it here)
      The questions:

      1. How many subjects do you study in a day/per day?
      2. How many hours do you spend to study?
      3. What time do you usually sleep?
      4. How do you stay motivated?
      5. Last minute tips.
      6. What is your favorite subject?

      I hope you can answer all those questions. :) I'm hoping that. Thanks again Aaron! You're really kind and I hope you have a great life! Have a nice day x. :)

    5. You're welcome. Perhaps I shall answer it here.

      1. I study 2 subjects a day. I rest or do homework during the weekends.
      2. I spend 1-2 hours to study daily.
      3. I sleep at 9 or 10 pm.
      4. I had some reason to stay motivated. Find a good reason to fight for is one way to stay motivated.
      5. Last minute tips? Just go through the notes made during revisions. And be sure to sleep early to avoid sleepiness during exams.
      6. My favourite subject was Biology. I had the highest marks in Biology in trial exams.

    6. Once again, Thank you very much! :)

  2. Hi Aaron, idk why but I really hate Biology compared to Physics and Chemist and do you have any ideas on how to develop interest in this subject?

    1. Thanks for asking. Before that, you should find out what made you strongly dislike the subject. May be it was because of your teacher? A tedious teacher, a fussy teacher or a slacking teacher perhaps? I had been there before but it did not stop me from liking any subjects. Or it was just happening inside your head like telling you it was hard, too much information or even a lot of things to be memorised. By identifying the source of your dislike towards the subject, it might help you to realise those factors were just obstacles. Think of how people can like the subject, why not you too? Tell yourself that nothing is wrong if you want to like that subject. To be honest, Biology is a very wonderful subject. I developed interest in it on the first day I knew what Biology was. I mean, I liked having living things around me (I don't feel alone) and what is going on around with living things. The first step to like the subject is curiosity. Aren't you curious of what actually our body is mainly about? Like the enzymes exists in our stomach are renin and pepsin in digestion of consumed protein? Or what kept the herbaceous plants stood still with just water?(answer: water capillarity and xylem) There are a lot of interesting things in Biology. Just don't focus too much about the exam before liking the subject itself. I hope this helps you to develop interest in Biology.

  3. Thank you so much Aaron! You just motivated me very well. I really wanted to score a good result in SPM as well. :) But I have so many questions to ask and hopefully, you can answer all these questions in the next blog :) (or if you don't want you can answer it here)
    The questions:

    1. How many subjects do you study in a day/per day?
    2. How many hours do you spend to study?
    3. What time do you usually sleep?
    4. How do you stay motivated?
    5. Last minute tips.
    6. What is your favorite subject?

    I hope you can answer all those questions. :) I'm hoping that. Thanks again Aaron! You're really kind and I hope you have a great life! Have a nice day x. :)

  4. Wow! Outstanding result! Congratulations!
